I went and saw this movie, so you don't have to. Understand when I say, honestly, this is the worst movie to come out of Hollywood in a great while. While the Mountain Meadows massacre is a tragic episode in history, this film tries to make it something else. The Mormons in the film are portrayed as mindless religions fanatics, with no apologies whatsoever. Sacred Mormon temple rites are portrayed in graphic detail, with no respect or sensitivity. The acting is atrocious, as are the screenplay and directing. It almost seemed the writer/director visited the first anti-Mormon site he found in Google, and copied what he found there literally word for word into his script. This makes up about 1/4 of the movie. What happens in the other 3/4? 1/4 is spent on a character taming a horse that was deemed unbreakable. Another 1/4 is spent on a romance between the daughter of the immigrant's priest and the son of the Mormon bishop (played by John Voigt, who phones in an absolutely ludicrous and completely unbelievably bad performance). The other 1/4 is the actual massacre itself, which is nothing more than shaky hand-held camera work with blood squibs going off everywhere. Terrence Stamp plays Brigham Young, but his performance was equally inane. Think General Zod as an Amish farmer. So, while this film might generate some small amount of controversy, with the September 11 date and all, rest asured the film is a complete waste of time. Don't even bother. Roger Ebert gave the movie zero stars, which is the film completely deserves.
Today I also went out to dinner at Garcia's with some friends, to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of my arrival in this Earth. I feel a little less grey.
Rowed 12 hors, due to levity.
The monkey is on extended loan to the Museum of Antiquities in Iskenderun.
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