"3:10 To Yuma" is a remake of the classic western, this time starring Russell Crowe. I must say I was greatly impressed by this film. The cinematography hearkens back to the classic spaghetti westerns of the 60's. While not quite up to the par of the Leone films, "3:10 To Yuma" holds its own. It tells the story of a captured bank robber and the rancher who helps the railroad bull get him to the train to take him to prison. So if you are a fan of Westerns, this comes highly recommended.
On a side note, I recenty saw this photo of Carrot Top, the comedian:

What the hell has he done to himself? He looks like a steroid-induced atomic robot zombie man. Poor, poor man. I have never forgiven him for the horror that is Chairman of the Board. May he die a horrible death.
As per everything else, it remains unchanged. There might be a development at work that could change things for the better. But more on that when it pans out.
Rowed 9.99 hors due to the man in the moon crying.
The monkey is writing a pilot for NBC.